Dr. Christian Pieper, Schorlemerstr. 32 in
 41464 Neuss, Germany
Tel: 0049-2131-779167, Fax: 0049-2131-779168
or Apdo 117 Cami de Ne Penyal
07560 Cala Millor / Baleares Spain
E-Mail: dr.cpieper@web.de
www.tennisbellavista.de +


The Lanhaus was once an accommodation for 72 soldiers. The finca owes its good location, about 2 km to the beach, overview of a large coastal strip from Costa de los Pinos to Cala Millor, Sa Coma and S'Illot. The site next to the finca is today a nature reserve.
picture galary, flat at the rubber tree,
 flat palma
, room
room plan

Entry of Bella Vista

The booking is done by e-mail with details of the dates: name, address, number of persons, arrival day, departure day. Arrival time, departure time. Reservations

View to the back of the Landhaus

View to the seat in the front yard

A shady place in the garden

Party  among the trees