A special tenniscamp
The Bellavista Tenniscamp has been held for 48 years in Cala Millor at the Easter time. The initiative for this Tenniscamp went from the Rochusclub Düsseldorf. Christian Pieper, who took over the management of the first Tenniscamp in Cala Millor, organized more Tenniscamps every year in the Easter period. Tennis schools, clubs, districts, coaches and assistants took part in the organization of this tennisvamp . The participants must be recommended.
The Tenniscamp enjoys a good reputation in North Rhine-Westphalia, among other things, because excellent tennis players and coaches have been preparing for the tournament and open-air season for years. As coaches, international players such as J. Gunnarson (Sweden), U. Pinner, Saceanu, Nowicki (each Daviscup player) and well-known players such as Rolf Pinner, Dirk Hortian, Lutz Steinhöfel, Jose Garcia (Spain), Jochen Settelmayer, Neal McAffner (New Zealand), M. Gau, Christian Schäffkes, Darek Nowitzki, Scott Gessner, J. Theron and V. Puncec (South Africa), M. Carlsten and R. Lindberg (Sweden), B. Nunna (India), D Maundorp (Australia), Tim Corwin (USA), Horst Dieter van de Loo, Jochen Settelmayer, Michael Kirsten, Torbjoern Aslund, as well as players and coaches with a regional recognition such as Anke Reinking, Achmed Dadgar, Florian Bachnik, Benjamin and Patrik Honneth, Rudi Koch, Achim Przybilla, Angelika Keller, Markus and Axel Neuhausen, Marek Owsianka, Malte Osthoff, Gaby Schwarzer, Volker Sieben, Willi Zylka and his children Thomas Pieper, Markus Pieper and Johannes Pieper, as well as Claudia Rival, b. Pieper.

Dr. Pieper, married., 4 children, 3 grandchildren, who was active as a physicist in research and development, pursues his hobby of tennis quite intensively. Both in the open class - at the age of 37 - he led a point to the rise of the TC Blau Weiß Neuss to the Bundesliga (the highest league in Germany), and he played highly on the German rankings, as did in senior teams (Rochusclub Düsseldorf , GHTC-Mönchen-Gladbach. He became a European and German champion, and he also looked back on a successful training activity (part of his hobbies), as many of his pupils were able to achieve high championship honors. The physicist benefits from his analysis skills, his language skills, his planning skills, his computer and programming skills, and his management experience. The organization of the Bella Vista Tenniscamp with many participants is among other things a means, to inspire youth for tennis and to lead them to greater success.All his children have also played tennis very well and they have won open tournaments in Germany. The physicist justifies his commitment, among other things, because he believes that sport promotes intelligence and motivation.
It is therefore not surprising that many top players from North Rhine-Westphalia have learned and participated in the Bella Vista Tenniscamp.
1. Promotion of youth Anyone who today wants to inspire the youth for tennis needs to come up with something. Youth can no longer be lured with tennis racquets and balls. Youth wants to let off steam and do something. Coaching,, fun and entertainment are in demand. At the same time the tennis training competes with the television, the mobile and the computer, the disco and other sports. Due to high demands during the training, today's youth usually do not have much free time. School and training before tennis is a motto for the organizer. The requirements for the trainers and the organizers are therefore very high. In the Bella Vista Tenniscamp, youngsters have the opportunity to see over the club fence once. You can meet young people with a similar hobby, and get the opportunity to choose from a larger group of interesting partners.
2.Promoting good tennis The promotion of good sport must not lead to the promotion of professional sports. If one of the participants has the talent to become a professional sportsman, this participant will be particularly encouraged. However, anyone who wants to play tennis and improve can take part in this kind of tennis. In the Bella Vista Tenniscamp the opportunity is given to all players. This is achieved by a training in which the handles or individual techniques are not improved, even if there are starting points. The main focus, however, will be to develop ball safety, ball feeling, concentration and tactical understanding, to become accustomed to open air with sun and changing visibility, to wind and weather, to improve condition, and to make matches with different partners. Since the green route from Manacor to Arta exists, bike tours with youth are also made possible.
3. Encouraging friendships Tennis spoils the character. Such slogans appear in the press. It is true that a tennis player, like an artist or an actor, must think very carefully if he wants to be successful. For the young player, it is difficult to solve the task, to win the victory and a friendship. Even old rabbits make many mistakes. In a tennis club such a mistake can have fatal consequences. In a Tenniscamp, on the other hand, you often meet unknown players. Compared to these, a victory or a defeat does not weigh so hard. Because of the similar interests, it is therefore very easy to make friends. This is especially possible with room partners and players of the same training group.
In order to achieve the three mentioned objectives, the boundary conditions for the implementation of such a tenniscamp have been created in the course of many years of minor work.
Mallorca The island of Mallorca has been selected because it is just south enough to prepare for the open air season in pleasant climatic conditions. Furthermore, due to the island's location, Mallorca has a clean, moist air, which ensures a healthy and restful sleep. You can get very old by the way. Today, Mallorca has a wide range of sights, good restaurants and sports facilities.
Cala Millor has been selected because Cala Millor has a large beach of sand, which is ideal for fitness training and bathing, and because there are adequate hotels and tennis courts.
The great offer of tennis in Cala Millor is due in part to the fact that, in earlier years, a "certain gentleman from Neuss" quoted the FAZ - rented in the Easter holidays all the tennis courts in Cala Millor. In the meantime, everyone who regularly comes , knows that in the Easter period there were not enough courts to play tennis in Cala Millor, but the situation has been relaxed for years.
48 years ago, the euro in Spain had the value of about 10 eur. At that time, the full board at the hotel cost less than 5 Eur, the tennis court under 1 eur. For us, Mallorca was extremely cheap and attractive. This has now changed. The cleaning women in Mallorca are today more expensive than normaly in Europe and the Eur has today in Majorca the value of about 0.90 cents.
The organizer of the Tenniscamp has always been able to book tennis courts, because he has particularly good relations with the management of the Hotel Castell de Mar. There the participants of the Bellavista Tenniscamp are particularly spoiled. The hotel with its unique location on the wide sandy beach has the usual 4 star comfort.
At Finca Bella Vista, families and young people have the opportunity to live together next to the beautiful year-round open tennis resort Bella Vista. The exclusive country house, which was used to be a barracks for 72 soldiers and then housed a farm, is a little out of the general tourism. It has been modernized, bathrooms and toilets have been installed, two holiday homes have been built and are now ideally suited for accommodating young people and families.
In order to save expensive services, the young people help with the housework. At the finca, childcare is much easier because a larger number of boys and girls can live close together. Through the common co-existence friendships for life arise.
The country house, like the tennis courts, are approached by a minibus. As a result, the youngsters are sure to come to the village and the beach. The minibus has developed a little to a communication center, because you meet again and again. Because the use of bicycles and mopeds was banned for young people, the number of traffic accidents among the participants was gratifyingly low, with four traffic accidents occurring in the past 48 years, which fortunately did not have any serious consequences. In the care of the youth in the finca, the educators Ursula Pieper, Angelika Keller, the couple of educators Reinholz, the couple Papke and Walter Ingnaschwski and many unnamed helpers emerged.
The tennis practice with three training sessions per day in the Bellavista Tenniscamp with an average of two to three hours of tennis play and one hour of conditioning training is thus, that ist is pissible to go through this training for two weeks so that you can improve your playing strength properly. A lot of tennis does not always help a lot, but can be harmful for the game strength, if not concentrated. The players and the coaches should be relaxed and focused on each training unit. So the coaches give only two to three coaching hours a day. This is very complex, but also a reason for the success of the Tenniscamp.
Fun highlights the performance. The training is relaxed by common excursions, tournaments, other sports and social or cultural events.